Amazon Frontend Interview Experience - Virtual Onsite

With a weak technical background, I slowly started mass applying in June. Amazon FEE I was the first to contact me. I had a phone interview with the recruiter. They sent a lot of materials via email, and it seems that the frontend didn’t require an online assessment.

The interview was conducted using Chime, lasted about 1 hour, and although video was not required, both the manager and a young developer on the other end had their videos on. After the introductions, we talked for less than twenty minutes about behavioral questions, discussing current projects and the most challenging one.

Regarding the technical question, as it was my first time interviewing for a frontend position, I personally felt that the technical part was not too difficult, considering it was an entry-level position. It was also my first experience with live coding, which was a bit nerve-wracking. The task was to create a mini app, where I had to create a simple data model from a table, fetch the data, and then render it on the frontend in a table. Although I managed to complete the task, I felt like I was struggling throughout the process, answering some basic questions while coding, such as handling errors, loading, 404 errors, accessibility, etc.

The overall experience was pleasant, the atmosphere was relaxed, I was casually dressed in a large T-shirt, and I didn’t wear makeup. The young developer provided hints in a few places where I got stuck. Unfortunately, I realized that I am not very proficient in React. Despite the slight awkwardness, I plan to seriously study and improve as there is much room for growth. I hope sharing my experience can help those in need. Any learning advice or resources related to FEE are welcome in the comments. Thank you.

Now, I am patiently waiting for the next steps, continuing to learn, and slowly applying for more opportunities.

PS: If there is a Bay Area CS exchange group, please let me know.