Phone Interview: Refer to this interview experience.
Company A:
- First coding round, LeetCode question, follow-up on a map where the first and last rows are connected (the last row connects to the first row). Implemented a search method and explained the union-find method.
- Second round, technical discussion with many questions and concepts.
Asked about the most challenging project worked on.
Discussed the side effects of webpack tree shaking.
Explained React’s JSX, components, and elements.
Distinguished between React functional components and regular components.
Defined React pure components and React hooks.
Explained understanding of JavaScript’s event loop.
Discussed handling large data calculations in JavaScript.
Inquired about web workers.
Concluded with creating a layout using flexbox.
Final round focused on various behavioral questions.
Discussed the most interesting project.
Addressed conflict resolution methods.
Asked if provided constructive feedback to others.
Inquired about receiving feedback from others.
In the second round, questions also covered the advantages and disadvantages of SSR, and what React hydrate is.