Frontend Interview At Tesla

The frontend interviewee was asked to complete an online assessment the same day the resume was sent to a headhunter. The assessment consisted of three questions and lasted 150 minutes. Here are the details of the questions:

  1. Subjective question: How would you respond if your colleague disagrees with your pull request?
    It’s a strange question; shouldn’t you first check if there’s an issue with your code?

  2. SQL question: Given a task list, a name table, and a corresponding task difficulty table, the task is to match the name table and task difficulty table using the task table.
    I have no knowledge of SQL, so I gave up on this question.

  3. Sliding window problem similar to a question in LeetCode about finding the longest substring without repeating characters. Given an array A with several integers, how can you continuously select numbers from the array with the least repetition to cover all numbers? For example, in the array [1,2,3,4,5,3,2], the length would be from index = 0 to index = 4.