Interview Experience for Frontend Role at Tesla

  1. Basic concepts of JS and DOM, such as Closure and event-related
  2. Colla coding in The question is:
    given a color block on the left, a color block on the right, and a step count N, implement color gradient and output it to the screen. Just output the RGBA values ​​of the two colors evenly in N steps.

There are 4 rounds in total. Each round starts with asking basic information and basic concepts, followed by the main topic:

  1. A bit likeSystem Design. There are three steps to order a Tesla on a page. On the left is the Address book, in the middle is payment, and on the right is confirmation. When one step is active, the other steps are grayed out and disabled. Ask how to design the front-end architecture of this page.
  2. 3 small questions about CSS. Use Flexbox to horizontally and vertically center one box in another box; use Flexbox to arrange boxes A and B from left to right side by side on a large screen, and B on top and A on a small screen; without adding classes or ids, give the three
  3. under a
      different colors.
    • Given a string, rearrange the order of letters according to frequency of occurrence, such as hello => llheo. Use the idea of ​​map to solve it
      ‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍‍‌‌‍‌4. Promise, async/await usage. Determine whether the letters that make up two strings are the same, such as fob, bfo => true; kog, koo => false. It seems that LeetCode has the original question