Interview Frontend at Uber - Full

Position: Software Engineer 2 - Frontend
Process: I applied for a job in May. I was contacted by a recruiter in mid-July
. I did an OA on a Tuesday at the end of July. I spent 35 minutes on two algorithm coding questions and five or six front-end multiple-choice questions. I was contacted by a recruiter on Friday to make an appointment for VO on August 3. VO: First round: A guy on the front end,
System DesignPinterest
asked questions such as: how to design this page, what are the components, how to make the user see as little loading indicator as possible when the infinite scroll is scrolling down (for example, ideally, the user should keep scrolling down and should keep seeing new things instead of waiting for new things to load), what requests does the front-end send to the back-end to load new things when scrolling down
Round 2: Bar raiser sister, pure BQ
questions: proud project, not so proud project, what do you like about your current company, assuming that the bar raiser is a college student, please take five minutes to teach her a new knowledge
Round 3: Hiring manager Chinese brother, pure BQ
questions are much more detailed than the previous round. He kept interrupting me while I was talking to ask me questions, such as why this is good, why not that
Questions asked: challenge project, how to test
Round 4: Algorithm coding, Chinese sister, original question 75
Round 5: Algorithm coding, Hispanic brother, first asked Find the largest element in an array, then asked ‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍‍‌‌‌Find the second largest element in an On
August 13, HR called me directly and sent me a rejection letter. I was rejected on the system design job.