LinkedIn Frontend Interview Full Questions

Two interviewers had a Skype interview with me and asked some basic FE questions:

  • What is event bubbling?
  • What is the difference between prototypal vs classical inheritance?
  • What is a CSS preprocessor and what are its pros and cons?
  • What is the difference between a promise and a callback?
  • How do we make applications more accessibility-friendly? What are some general guidelines when designing for the disabled? (ARIA, etc.)
  • Differences between let, const, and var

Then one of the interviewers pasted a code sample and asked me to predict the output:

var Foo = function (a) {
    function bar() {
        return a;
    this.baz = function () {
        return a;

Foo.prototype = {
    biz: function () {
        return a;

var f = new Foo(7);;

Finally, I was asked to create a list of <a> elements in one of the divs in the DOM, and they also inquired about event delegation and its purpose.