Meta Frontend / Facebook round

Last Friday’s four-round interview didn’t go well for me.

First round:
Algorithm: Given a BST and a target, find the closest node to the target with a requirement of logN complexity.
Calculate the number of islands, utilizing 200.
Then, calculate the area and perimeter, didn’t finish in time, my algorithm foundation is weak…

Second round: Behavioral Questions
I felt my answers weren’t good, unprepared for many questions, hesitated and panicked in some responses, such as
Biggest conflict with a colleague, biggest conflict with a leader, biggest conflict when collaborating with other teams, handling situations where someone is delaying work causing you to be unable to start, how to handle urgent user needs that, if not done, will block other team members (assuming only you can complete it).

Third round:
Presented some requirements, drew a rough UX wireframe based on the requirements
Then how to design this project, asked about configuring LESS, configuring Redux, how to collaborate with the backend, achieving front-end and back-end separation…
How to optimize the project on the front-end, what are the optimization methods for React
After this round, I felt that in future interviews, I can expand from many aspects and gain a lot.

Fourth round:
Front-end interview, mostly covered on the web (html+css+js)
I was asked about 2, 5
When writing autoComplete, I proactively added debounce and infinite scroll, forgot about the cache…
Then just chatted.

Interviewed several companies, have to say, the level of interviewers at FB is obviously higher, asking questions that are both deeper and broader, with more difficulty.
It’s difficult to get into a big company, feeling like it’s unlikely, will continue interviewing.