Netflix Frontend Engineer Detailed Interview Experience

There are very few interview experiences shared by Delianfei, so I’ll contribute one data point. Before the interview, I didn’t know it was a purely frontend technical interview. I thought it would be a general algorithm interview. As a result, although I knew many of the questions, I was not prepared, and my responses on the spot were not great, so unsurprisingly, I didn’t pass. In the future, everyone should make sure to clarify the direction of the interview before the interview and not make assumptions. The interview experience is as follows.
The phone interview lasted 45 minutes in total. We first introduced each other and talked about the basic content of the resume. Then he started asking basic concepts of the front-end, such as what is a closure, what is inheritance in JavaScript, what happens if you change something in the prototype, and many other questions that I don’t remember very well, but they are all very basic. I didn’t answer well here, which wasted a lot of time, resulting in the subsequent coding not being completed.
Then there were two questions written in JavaScript. The first question was to format an array into a map using JavaScript. For example, the input is [2, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4], formatted into {2: 2, 3: 1, 4: 2, 5: 1}, key is the value in the original array, and value is the number of keys. It’s very simple. The
second question is to follow up, which is to treat the result of the first question as a histogram and render it. You have to write HTML and CSS. My approach is to normalize the histogram first, then adjust the height of each bar according to the max height of the input, and then render it through HTML and CSS. In the end, the HTML and CSS parts were not finished, so I don’t know if they meet the requirements. . .

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Did you have to write the CSS & HTML from scratch? Or did they help?

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