Senior Frontend Interview Experience - LinkedIn

A friend referred me, scheduled a time with HR, and went straight to the interview over the weekend without much preparation for the front end. It was with an American interviewer.

  1. What is an Event in front end?
    A basic concept, various events of html elements: onclick, mouseenter, mouseover, scroll, etc. These questions usually mention event bubbling, so I explained it beforehand.
  2. Accessibility
    Google has a series on YouTube that explains it well, just briefly mentioning it shows you understand.
  3. The classic Foo bar problem tests basic knowledge of JavaScript’s ‘this’.
  4. isPalindrone - Couldn’t be an easier question.
  5. Data conversion for Endorsement, testing the use of basic data type methods.

Overall, it was considered simple, but it still tests if the interviewee’s answers can match the basics. The coding part could probably be solved in less than 5 minutes, but it’s important to spend some time explaining the thought process and JavaScript limitations for the other person to understand. In my opinion, the challenges in frontend work are more about communication than technical difficulty. In recent years, the best-performing candidates I’ve interviewed are those who can articulate the problems before you follow up. Sometimes they may not solve the problem, but subjectively, it adds value (I’ve seen someone self-taught for 3 years as a freelancer and then promoted to a senior manager, believe it or not). So, I usually do my homework before an interview so I can answer quickly. Since we’re all here for the interview, there’s no need to be afraid of the interviewer asking one more question. They will ask anyway, so being assertive is beneficial for yourself.