The position is for a Full Stack role. Due to my frontend experience, the interview consisted of 2 coding questions, 1 frontend task, 1 system design, and experience discussion.
The 2 coding questions weren’t too difficult. Even someone like me who has only solved a few dozen LeetCode problems managed to do them. I won’t dwell on this further.
The system design was about designing a hotel system. However, I felt that my interviewer’s thought process was quite different from mine, and we were not on the same wavelength, resulting in a tough round for me.
Regarding the frontend task, the company had created a mini web framework similar to Vue.js for bug finding or completing the feature set. Essentially, it involved examining existing features, understanding how they work, and then implementing new features. I found it challenging to switch between the template, style, and JavaScript documents on my 13-inch screen. I recommend frontend developers to use larger screens in the future.