Shared 2 fresh yelp and coinbase frontend phone interviews for positions in Canada. The pharmacy is not related to the frontend. Brushed up on LeetCode. The questions were not difficult, the Chinese interviewer was very nice. Received an interview invitation within 10 minutes after it ended. People at the pharmacy, whether interviewers or recruiters, were really great, big bonus points.
Used React to create a table with two buttons. Clicking the buttons adds a new row to the table. The question itself was not difficult, but they required the styling to match the mock. Some CSS animations also needed to be added. Maybe too nervous… Overthought some questions. Managed to write everything out in the last 10 minutes, not sure if it will pass.
A bit of a rant about frontend… Disdain for the bottom of the hierarchy in the interview preparation process. Few companies only focus on the frontend, most follow the standard SDE interview process. Brush up on LeetCode, do BFE, look at React JS HTML CSS, and study system design for SDE (Grokking).